Montana Clean Indoor Air Act: Online Form: Complaint of Violation
Thank you for accessing MTUPP's Clean Air Reporting System complaint form. Keeping Montana's public places and workplaces smokefree protects public health and saves lives. The Montana Clean Indoor Air Act requires all enclosed public places and workplaces to be smokefree. (M.C.A. 50-40-104) It also requires all Montana businesses to prominently post no-smoking signs on all public entrances. In addition, tobacco products of any kind are not permitted on public school property at any time. (M.C.A. 20-1-220) To learn more about the Montana Clean Indoor Air Act, click here If you observe a possible violation of the law, you can file a complaint using any one of the following methods: Complete the form below.Complete and mail a hard copy form. If you have any questions or want to contact a Tobacco Prevention Specialist in your area you can call 1-866-787-5247
Reporting Violations
Complete the form below to electronically register your complaint.
If you would like to file a complaint, please complete the form below.All complaints concerning violations of the Montana Clean Indoor Air Act are a matter of public record. In order for complaints to be considered as evidence of a violation you must provide your name, address, and phone number. If you do not want to give this information your anonymous complaint will still be useful and we will have a Tobacco Prevention Specialist in your area follow up on your complaint.